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晚游六桥待月记翻译 《三峡》原文及翻译赏析

   日期:2023-09-27     浏览:165    移动:http://m.razcy.com/quote/7623.html

晚游六桥待月记翻译 《三峡》原文及翻译赏析



西湖最美的景色是春天和月夜。 白天最美的就是早晨的雾霾和傍晚的山光。 今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。

石奇多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公父玉照堂的旧物,我应该尽快去看看。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。 从断桥至苏堤,绿柳迎风飘若青烟,桃花绽放如红雾,绵延二十余里。 美妙的音乐随风飘扬,粉汗如雨流; 有很多富有的游客穿着各种颜色的丝织物,比堤边的草地还要漂亮。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00至下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。 月景之美更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种幸福只有山里的和尚和游客才能享受到,岂是普通人能形容的。



西湖最繁华,春色如月。 一日之盛,朝之烟,夕之薄雾。 今年春雪十分充沛,梅花被严寒砍断,杏子挨着发育,显得格外壮观。

石数胜于言:“傅金吾花园里的梅花,也是张公府的旧物,我很想看看。” 于氏恋恋桃花,不忍去。 从断桥到湖上的苏堤,20余里绿烟红雾弥漫。 歌声如风吹,粉红汗如雨,罗晚繁茂,胜过堤边的小草,美丽极了。

然而,杭州人到中午才到湖边去,韦、沉。 事实上,将湖水染成翠绿的作品,以及山峦和雾气的美妙色彩,都在早晨的阳光下开始显现,在傍晚时分又显得极其迷人。 月景格外清亮,花草柳树,山山水水,别有一番情趣。 此乐山僧游人可用,外行人可安然。


1. 翻译文言文《六桥夕行待月》

西湖最美的景色是春天和月夜。 白天最美的就是早晨的雾霾和傍晚的山光。 今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。

石奇多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公父玉照堂的旧物,我应该尽快去看看。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。 从断桥至苏堤,绿柳迎风飘若青烟,桃花绽放如红雾,绵延二十余里。 美妙的音乐随风飘扬,粉汗如雨流; 有很多富有的游客穿着各种颜色的丝织物,比堤边的草地还要漂亮。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00至下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。 月景之美更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种幸福只有山里的和尚和游客才能享受到,岂是普通人能形容的。



西湖最繁华,春色如月。 一日之盛,朝之烟,夕之薄雾。 今年春雪十分充沛,梅花被严寒砍断,杏子挨着发育,显得格外壮观。

石数胜于言:“傅金吾花园里的梅花,也是张公府的旧物,我很想看看。” 于氏恋恋桃花,不忍去。 从断桥到湖上的苏堤,20余里绿烟红雾弥漫。 歌声如风吹,粉红汗如雨,罗晚繁茂,胜过堤边的小草,美丽极了。

然而,杭州人到中午才到湖边去,韦、沉。 事实上,将湖水染成翠绿的作品,以及山峦和雾气的美妙色彩,都在早晨的阳光下开始显现,在傍晚时分又显得极其迷人。 月景格外清亮,花草柳树,山山水水,别有一番情趣。 此乐山僧游人可用,外行人可安然。

2. 古文《代月六桥晚游》翻译

词句注释 (一)六桥:西湖苏堤上的六桥从南到北分别为英波、索兰、望山、雅堤、东圃、跨洪。

(2)对春对月:指春天的月夜。 (3)日光辉:一天中最美的时刻。

(4)西兰:傍晚的山光。 (5)梅花被严寒勒死:为:为;为;为;为;为;为;为;为;为;为; 扼杀:束缚。

(6)你:特别。 (7)石皋(奎去生):即陶王令,字周王,小号石皋,明代会稽人。

明万历年间进士,袁宏道之友,公安派文学家。 下面的“福金吾”。

“张公辅”是个人名。 (8)付金吾:付,姓氏。

金吾,汉代都城主管治安的官员,这里指的是锦衣卫的官员。 (9)张公辅:南宋将军张浚之孙,玉照堂是他的花园,有四处名贵梅花。

(10)爱:痴情。 (11)歌随风飘:优美的音乐随风飘扬。

(12)粉汗是雨:带有粉香的汗水像雨一样流淌。 (13)罗湾的繁荣:罗湾,丝织品,这里指许多人穿着罗湾做的衣服。

(14)艳夜:华丽风骚。 (15)》着色:涂色。

午、未、申:指午、未、申三个小时,相当于当前时段上午11:00至下午5:00。 (16)午、未、申:指午、未、申三个时辰,相当于当前时段的上午11:00至下午5:00。

(17)夕夕(chōng):夕阳的同义词。 捣碎,用杵和研钵捣碎谷物的外壳。

形容夕阳的样子。 《淮南子·天问训》:“至于元于,曰高冲,至于练氏,曰下冲。”

后人也用“涌”来指代日落时的山名。 《集韵》:“仲,山名,日入之处。

(18)用:享受。 (19)安:什么。

(20)道:说。 翻译:西湖最美的风景是春天的月夜。

白天最美的就是早晨的雾霾和傍晚的山光。 今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。

石奇多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公父玉照堂的旧物,我应该尽快去看看。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿草如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里。 美妙的音乐随风飘扬,粉状的汗水如雨般流淌; 洛湾的游客很多,比堤边的草地还多,真是绚丽多姿。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00至下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。 月景之美更是难以形容。

花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种幸福只有山里的僧侣和游人才能享受到,怎么能告诉那些忙于名利的人呢! /看法/。



西湖最美的时光是春天和月夜。 一天中最美的时光莫过于山里烟雾缭绕的早晨和烟雾缭绕的傍晚。

今年春雪下得很大,梅花被寒雪压垮了。 (梅花)后来才开,还有桃花、杏花。 这仍然是罕见的奇观。 朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花,是宋代张公甫玉照堂的梅花,你赶紧去欣赏吧!” 当时我就被桃花迷住了,舍不得离开这个湖。

从断桥到苏堤,绿柳如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里! 歌声、奏乐声如微风拂过,女士们粉红色的汗水如细雨飘落。 他们穿衬衫和裤子。 游客比堤岸上的草地还要多。 真是太漂亮了!

不过,杭州人游览西湖的时间只有午、未、申这三个小时(上午11点到下午5点); 其实,翠绿染上了湖光的神秘,山间的薄雾染上了色彩的神秘。 太阳升起和太阳落山的时候是最美的! 月夜的美景更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的面容、水的心,都有一种特殊的韵味。 这种乐趣只有山里的和尚和感兴趣的游客才能享受到,岂能与普通人谈论!



西湖最美的时光是春天和月夜。 白天最美的时候是烟雾缭绕的早晨和群山缭绕、薄雾缭绕的傍晚。

今年,春雪十分充沛,梅花被寒雪压制住了,随后桃花、杏花纷纷绽放。 这仍然是罕见的奇观。 朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“福金屋园的梅花是宋代张公福玉照堂的旧物,你赶紧去欣赏吧!” 我被桃花迷住了,舍不得离开湖边。 从断桥到苏堤,绿草如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里! 歌声如微风拂过,女士们粉红色的汗水如细雨飘落。 他们穿衬衫和裤子。 游客比堤上的草还多。 真是太漂亮了!

不过,杭州人游览西湖的时间只有午、未、申这三个小时(上午11点到下午5点); 其实,翠绿染红了湖水的美丽,雾气增添了山峦的美丽,而且在太阳升起、太阳未落的时候最美! 月夜的美景更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的面容、水的心,都有一种特殊的韵味。 这种乐趣只有山里的和尚和感兴趣的游客才能享受到,岂能与普通人谈论!



答:歌声弹奏如风吹,仕女妆汗如雨落。 它表达了在湖中游泳的人们的繁荣。


答:这篇文章是辞去县令第一次漫游西湖的袁宏道写的。 “安恪是俗人之道”的本义是如何与常人谈论它! 这句话表达了作者对世俗平庸的嘲讽和对西湖的景仰。





(2)(2分)这种乐趣只有山里的僧人和游客才能享受到,岂能对普通人说呢? 点评:做这类题时,一定要阅读全文,了解文章的大意,然后精读涉及的句子,用自己的文言知识和自己对文章的理解来权衡分析答案。 小题3:试题分析:“相辞”与现代汉语含义相似,译为“二弟,继位”。

“数”是一词多义,在这句话中应该是“很多次,很多次”。 根据上下文,“止”是同嘉字,应译为“仅、仅”。

“工”与课本中的文言文联系甚少,只能根据上下文进行推断,或者从“工染湖绿,染山之美”两句??中感知到它与“妙”有类似的含义,可译为“精致、精致”。 点评:文言词包括实词和虚词。

文言词的考查,多以事实词为依据。 审查的词语一般为假字、多义词、古今同义词、灵活词等。

当然,正文下面的注释仍然是主要的。 学习时注重理解,避免死记硬背,重点突破,积累易错、易混淆的单词。

小题4:试题分析:翻译时注意,关键词的意思一定要落实。 这两句中的关键词有“为”、“去”、“安”等。

“为”是一个多义词,在这句话中应译为“be”,“go”是文言固定用法词,应译为“leave”,“an”根据上下文应译为“how、how can”。 一旦理解了关键词的含义,就将每个词的含义连接起来,使语义流畅。

点评:文言翻译是阅读文言文的必修题。 文言句子的翻译一般有两种方式,直译和意译,直译在中考中经常使用。

直译注重词语的落实,特别是要呈现关键词的意义。 翻译文言句子,首先要知道文言词的意思。 当然,在课外翻译文言文句子时,将其放在上下文中,根据上下文进行推理是更好的方法。


西湖最美的景色是春天和月夜。 白天最美的就是早晨的炊烟和傍晚的烟霞。

今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。 石洽多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公甫玉照堂的旧物,你快去看看吧。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿草如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里。 歌声随风而来; 女士们粉红色的汗水如雨般落下; 穿衫裤的游客比堤岸边的草地还多,美丽极了。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00到下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。

月景之美更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种乐趣只有山里的僧侣和游客才能享受到,又怎能告诉一般人呢!

西湖最美的景色是春天和月夜。 白天最美的就是早晨的炊烟和傍晚的烟霞。

今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。 石洽多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公甫玉照堂的旧物,你快去看看吧。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿草如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里。 歌声随风而来; 女士们粉红色的汗水如雨般落下; 穿衫裤的游客比堤岸边的草地还多,美丽极了。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00到下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。

月景之美更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种乐趣只有山里的僧侣和游客才能享受到,又怎能告诉一般人呢!

西湖最美的景色是春天和月夜。 白天最美的就是早晨的炊烟和傍晚的烟霞。

今年春天雪下得很大,梅花受寒冷抑制,其次是杏花、桃花,景观更加奇特。 石洽多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是张公甫玉照堂的旧物,你快去看看吧。” 那时我迷恋桃花,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿草如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里。 歌声随风而来; 女士们粉红色的汗水如雨般落下; 穿衫裤的游客比堤岸边的草地还多,美丽极了。

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有上午11:00至下午5:00; 事实上,当太阳升起和太阳未落时,湖水的翠绿之美和山雾的美妙色彩最为生动。

月景之美更是难以形容。 花的姿态、柳的柔情、山的颜色、水的意蕴,都有着独特的韵味。 这种乐趣只有山里的僧侣和游人才能享受到,岂能与俗人交谈!

翻译《西湖游记:夜游六桥等月》? !


西湖最美的时光是春天和月夜。 一天中最美的时光是烟雾缭绕的早晨和群山缭绕、薄雾缭绕的傍晚。 今年春雪下得很大,梅花被寒雪压制了,才开得晚一些,还有桃花、杏花。

这仍然是罕见的奇观。 朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是宋代张公甫玉照堂的旧物,你赶紧去欣赏吧!” 我被桃花迷住了,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿柳如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里! 美妙的音乐随风飘扬,粉状的汗水如雨般流淌。 穿着衬衫和裤子的游客比堤岸上的柳枝还多。 真是太漂亮了!

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有午、未、申这三个小时(上午11:00至下午5:00); 其实,翠绿的神秘染红了湖光,山间七彩雾气的神秘,在日出日落的时候最美!

月夜景色之美更是难以用言语形容。 花的姿态、柳的意境、山的容貌、水的意境,都别有韵味。 这种乐趣,只能留给山里的僧侣和游客享受,怎么能和普通人谈论呢?

出自:《西湖游记·六桥晚游待月》,明代文学家袁宏道的长篇小说。 原来的:


西湖最繁华,正是春风明月。 一日之盛,朝之烟,夕之薄雾。 今年春雪十分充沛,梅花被严寒砍断,杏子挨着发育,显得格外壮观。 石数胜于言:“傅金吾花园里的梅花,也是张公府的旧物,我很想看看。”

其余时间,我恋恋桃花,却又不忍离去。 从断桥到湖上的苏堤,20余里绿烟红雾弥漫。 歌声如风吹,粉红汗如雨,罗晚繁茂,胜过堤边的小草,美丽极了。 然而,杭州人到中午才到湖边去,韦、沉。

那时,将湖水染成翠绿的作品,以及山雾的美妙色彩,都在早晨的阳光下开始显现,傍晚不在锤下,所以显得极其迷人。 月景尤其难以形容,花草柳树,山水,别有一番情趣。 这音乐是山里的和尚和游客专用的,对于普通人来说怎么可能安全呢?



袁宏道美学思想的核心是“独抒心灵,不拘泥套”(《徐小修诗》)。 这篇游记就体现了这个想法。 从文章内容来看,作者只欣赏西湖之春的“月景”、“晨烟”、“晚霞”。

这与春天“午、未、申”外出的“俗”有很大不同; 作者宁愿放弃欣赏梅花的机会,而“恋桃花”,这与医生的传统审美情趣相悖。 这是他“独自表达灵魂”的地方。

展现出独特的个性和审美观。 文章的行文也洒脱自然,文笔深思熟虑。 “没有固定的格式,别人发不了的你就发吧”(《答李远山》)。 比如,西湖春月的情景,明明是文中的主角,却只用了寥寥几个字。

事已至此,未详细描写,但西湖桃花和“罗湾繁华”颇为广阔,堪称“不拘一格”。 其实,这是因为审美境界的最高境界更难以用言语描述,不如用虚构来代替现实。

以简单代繁,只能得到“只数萧萧中的树叶,满屋风雨”的艺术??效果(李东阳《柯景中与竹二绝》)。 这就是作者的聪明之处。 他对艺术的辩证法还是很了解的。


袁宏道(1568—1610),字中郎,号石公,明代湖北省公安县长安里人,著名文学家。 与哥哥袁宗道、弟弟袁仲道也以才华闻名,并称“袁三人”。 袁三人中,以袁弘道的文学成就最为杰出。

三元弘扬了李卓吾的“童心”思想,反对“前后七子”的仿古、复古。 袁宏道主张文学强调灵性和原创性,其作品清新淡雅,充满情趣,在世称“干公派”或“干公风格”。

袁宏道一生创作了大量的山水游记。 在他的笔下,秀美可口的吴越山水、柳树万千的柳湖、清爽的郑州、宜人的京兆春色,都以寥寥几笔如画如画。 这些山水游记笔直直白,不择笔墨。

景色别具洞察力,物我相融,赏心悦目。 语言清新流畅,俊美奔放,如行云流水般舒畅。 从文学的角度来说,主张创作要充分发挥自己的个性,不追随别人的脚步,“独立地表达精神和精神,不拘泥于公式”。


翻译: 翻译:

西湖最美的时光是春天和月夜。 一天中最美的时光是烟雾缭绕的早晨和群山缭绕、薄雾缭绕的傍晚。 今年春雪下得很大,梅花被寒雪压制了,才开得晚一些,还有桃花、杏花。

这仍然是罕见的奇观。 朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“傅金吾花园里的梅花是宋代张公甫玉照堂的旧物,你赶紧去欣赏吧!” 我被桃花迷住了,舍不得离开湖边。

从断桥到苏堤,绿柳如烟,红花如雾,绵延二十余里! 美妙的音乐随风飘扬,粉状的汗水如雨般流淌。 穿着衬衫和裤子的游客比堤岸上的柳枝还多。 真是太漂亮了!

但杭州人游览西湖的时间只有午、未、申这三个小时(上午11:00至下午5:00); 其实,翠绿的神秘染红了湖光,山间七彩雾气的神秘,在日出日落的时候最美!

月夜景色之美更是难以用言语形容。 花的姿态、柳的意境、山的容貌、水的意境,都别有韵味。 这种乐趣,只能留给山里的僧侣和游客享受,怎么能和普通人谈论呢?

出自:《西湖游记·六桥晚游待月》,明代文学家袁宏道的长篇小说。 原来的:



西湖最繁华,正是春风明月。 一日之盛,朝之烟,夕之薄雾。 今年春雪十分充沛,梅花被严寒砍断,杏子挨着发育,显得格外壮观。 The of is more than words: "The plum in Fu Jinwu's is also an old relic of Zhang 's . I am eager to see it."

For the rest of the time, I was in love with peach , but I 't bear to go. From the to Su on the lake, green smoke and red mist for more than 20 miles. Songs are blown like wind, pink sweat is like rain, Luo Wan is , more than the grass the , it is . , from visit the lake until noon, Wei and Shen.

At that time, the work of the lake with green, and the of the and mist, all began to in the sun, and the was not under the , so they were . The moon scene is , the and , the and , are not a kind of fun. This music is for monks and , how can it be safe for ?



The core of Yuan 's is " the soul alone, not to " ("Xu Poems"). This this idea. from the of the , the only the "moon scene", " smoke" and " haze" of the of West Lake.

This is very from the "" who go out in at "noon, Wei, and Shen"; the would give up the to plum , and "be in love with peach ", which is to the taste of . This is where he " his soul alone".

Show a and . The style of the is also free and , and the is . "There is no fixed , as long as you post what can't post" (" to Li "). For , the scene of the moon in the West Lake is the main in the text, but only a few words are used.

The point goes so far, , but the peach in the West Lake and "the of Luo Wan" are quite , which can be "". In fact, this is the level of realm is more to in words, it is to with .

with , you can only get the of "you only count the in Xiao Xiao, and the house is full of wind and rain" (Li 's "Ke and Two "). This is the of the . He still knows the of art quite well.

about the :

Yuan (1568-1610), name and , was born in Chang'anli, Gong'an , Hubei in the Ming , and was a well-known . with his elder Yuan and Yuan , they are also for their , and they are "Three Yuans". Among the three Yuans, Yuan has the most .

Li 's " " , and the of times and by "the and later seven sons". Yuan that and , and his works are fresh, , and full of , and are known as "Gan Gong " or "Gan Gong Style" in the world.

Yuan a large of notes his life. In his works, the and Wuyue , the lake with of trees, the , and the of are all with few . These notes are and , and they don't pen and ink.

The is , and me, and to the eye. The is fresh and , and , as as and water. From a point of view, it is that give full play to one's own , not ' heels, and " the and , to .

it comes from his own chest, he to write." (" ") He the of from the as " dregs", " farts" and " wears an eight-inch three-point hat" ("Book with Zhang Youyu").

The most time of West Lake is and night. The most time of the day is the smoky and the by and mist. This year's snow was heavy, plum were by the cold snow, and (plum ) only later, along with peach and .

This is still a rare . My Tao told me many times: "The plum in Fu Jinwu's are old from Zhang 's Hall in the Song . You go to them !" I was so by the peach that I 't bear to leave the lake.

From the to Su , the green are like smoke and the red are like fog, for more than 20 miles! music with the wind, and sweat flows like rain. and , there are more than on the . 真是太漂亮了!

, only visit the West Lake the three hours of noon, Wei and Shen (11:00 am to 5:00 pm); in fact, the of the green dyed the lake light, and the of the mist in the are the most when the sun is and the sun is not !

The of the night scene is even more to in words. The of the , the mood of the , the of the , and the of the water all have a charm. This kind of fun, (can only be) for the monks and in the to enjoy, how can we talk about it with ?

From: "West Lake Notes: An to Six and for the Moon", a novel by Yuan , a in the Ming . 原来的:

An Tour of Six and for the Moon

The West Lake is the most , it is and the moon. The of a day is the smoke of the and the mist of the . This year, the snow is very , and the plum are by the cold, and the are next to each other, which is . The of is more than words: "The plum in Fu Jinwu's is also an old relic of Zhang 's . I am eager to see it."

For the rest of the time, I was in love with peach , but I 't bear to go. From the to Su on the lake, green smoke and red mist for more than 20 miles. Songs are blown like wind, pink sweat is like rain, Luo Wan is , more than the grass the , it is . , from visit the lake until noon, Wei and Shen.

At that time, the work of the lake with green, and the of the and mist, all began to in the sun, and the was not under the , so they were . The moon scene is , the and , the and , are not a kind of fun. This music is for monks and , how can it be safe for ?



The core of Yuan 's is " the soul alone, not to " ("Xu Poems"). This this idea. from the of the , the only the "moon scene", " smoke" and " haze" of the of West Lake.

This is very from the "" who go out in at "noon, Wei, and Shen"; the would give up the to plum , and "be in love with peach ", which is to the taste of . This is where he " his soul alone".

Show a and . The style of the is also free and , and the is . "There is no fixed , as long as you post what can't post" (" to Li "). For , the scene of the moon in the West Lake is the main in the text, but only a few words are used.

The point goes so far, , but the peach in the West Lake and "the of Luo Wan" are quite , which can be "". In fact, this is the level of realm is more to in words, it is to with .

with , you can only get the of "you only count the in Xiao Xiao, and the house is full of wind and rain" (Li 's "Ke and Two "). This is the of the . He still knows the of art quite well.

about the :

Yuan (1568-1610), name and , was born in Chang'anli, Gong'an , Hubei in the Ming , and was a well-known . with his elder Yuan and Yuan , they are also for their , and they are "Three Yuans". Among the three Yuans, Yuan has the most .

Li 's " " , and the of times and by "the and later seven sons". Yuan that and , and his works are fresh, , and full of , and are known as "Gan Gong " or "Gan Gong Style" in the world.

Yuan a large of notes his life. In his works, the and Wuyue , the lake with of trees, the , and the of are all with few . These notes are and , and they don't pen and ink.

The is , and me, and to the eye. The is fresh and , and , as as and water. From a point of view, it is that give full play to one's own , not ' heels, and " the and , to .

it comes from his own chest, he to write." (" ") He the of from the as " dregs", " farts" and " wears an eight-inch three-point hat" ("Book with Zhang Youyu").

, only visit the West Lake the three hours of noon, Wei and Shen (11:00 am to 5:00 pm); in fact, the of the green dyed the lake light, and the of the mist in the are the most when the sun is and the sun is not ! The of the night scene is even more to in words. The of the , the mood of the , the of the , and the of the water all have a charm. This kind of fun can only be by monks and in the , how can we talk about it with ?

, only visit the West Lake the three hours of noon, Wei and Shen (11:00 am to 5:00 pm); in fact, the of the green dyed the lake light, and the of the mist in the are the most when the sun is and the sun is not ! The of the night scene is even more to in words. The of the , the mood of the , the of the , and the of the water all have a charm. This kind of fun can only be by monks and in the , how can we talk about it with ?

, only visit the West Lake the three hours of noon, Wei and Shen (11:00 am to 5:00 pm); in fact, the of the green dyed the lake light, and the of the mist in the are the most when the sun is and the sun is not ! The of the night scene is even more to in words. The of the , the mood of the , the of the , and the of the water all have a charm. This kind of fun can only be by monks and in the , how can we talk about it with ?

An Tour of Six and for the Moon

Late Tour of Six ① for the Moon


The West Lake is the most , with as the moon. The of a day is the smoke of the and the mist of the . This year, the snow is very , and the plum are by the cold, and the are next to each other, which is . The of is more than words: Fu Jinwu's is full of plums, and Zhang 's is also an old thing. I am eager to see it. For the rest of the time, I was in love with peach , so I 't bear to go to the lake. From the to the Su area, green smoke and red mist for more than 20 miles. Songs are blown like wind, pink sweat is like rain, Luo Wan is , more than the grass the , it is . , visit the lake until noon. In fact, the work of the lake with green, and the of the and mist, all start at the of the sun, and the , they are . The moon scene is , the and , the and , are not a kind of fun. This music can be used by monks and , it can be safe for !

[Note] ①Six : The six on the Su of West Lake are named , , , Yadi, , and from south to north. ② (chōng):


of "A Night Tour at Six and for the Moon" / Yuan

The most time of West Lake is in the . The most time the day is the smoky and the by and mist.

This year's snow is very , the plum are by the cold snow, and then the peach and bloom in , a rare . My Tao told me many times: "The plum in Fu Jinwu are old from Zhang 's Hall in the Song . You hurry to them!" I was so by peach that I 't bear to leave the lake.

From the to Su , the green grass is like smoke and red are like fog, more than 20 miles! The sound of is like a , and the pink sweat of the is like a down. They wear and . There are more than grass on the . 真是太漂亮了!

, only visit the West Lake the three hours of noon, Wei and Shen (11 am to 5 pm); in fact, the green dyes the of the lake, and the mist adds to the of the , and it is most when the sun is and the sun is not !

The of the night scene is even more . The of the , the of the , the face of the , and the heart of the water all have a charm. This kind of fun can only be by monks and in the , so how can we talk about it with !

First at West Lake

From the Wulin Gate to the west, at in the cliff, you are on the lake. Enter at noon, and after tea, enter the lake in a small boat. The are as as moon, the are as as , the wind is as warm as wine, and the are like silk; just his head, his eyes are , and he can't it in words at this time, it is about like when King Dong'a first met in his dream. I my tour of the West Lake on the day of the lunar month in , Wanli. In the , I went to with to find Abin's monk's house. by way of , , and .草草领略,未及偏赏。次早得陶石篑帖子,至十九日,石篑兄弟同学佛人王静虚至,湖山好友,一时凑集矣。


西湖最美的时候,是春天,是月夜。一天最美的时候,是烟雾弥漫的早晨,是山间烟雾缭绕的傍晚。 今年春雪很大,梅花被寒雪抑制住,(梅花)后来才和桃花、杏花次第开放,这还是难得一见的奇观。我的朋友陶望龄多次告诉我:“傅金吾园中的梅花,是宋代张功甫玉照堂中原有的旧物,应该要赶紧去欣赏欣赏啊!”我当时被桃花迷住了,(我)竟然舍不得离开湖上。 从断桥到苏堤这一带,绿柳如烟、红花似雾,绵延着有二十多里呢!唱歌奏乐的声音恍若微风阵阵吹来,仕女的粉汗有似纷纷的细雨飘落,穿罗衫、着纨裤,游客之多,多过堤畔上的草。真是艳丽极了! 然而杭州人游览西湖,却仅仅在午、未、申三个时辰(上午十一时至下午五时);其实翠绿染着湖光的神秘,山中雾气染上彩色的神秘。都在朝日初升、夕阳未下的时候才最浓丽! 有月的夜景,其美更是难以形容。那花的姿态、柳的柔情,山的容颜、水的心意,更是别有一番情趣韵味。这种乐趣,只能留给山中的僧人和识趣的游客享用,哪能够和凡夫俗子去说呢!

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